10 key questions to ask during a Software Developer Interview in 2024

10 key questions to ask during a Software Developer Interview in 2024

Hiring the right developer is crucial for the success of any tech project. Asking the right questions to ask to a Software Developer in a interview can help you identify candidates who not only possess the necessary technical skills but also fit well with your company culture. In this blog, Xio Santana, an expert IT Recruiter at Plugg Technologies, shares her top 10 questions to ask to a Software Developer in a interview to ensure you hire the best talent.

Meet Xio Santana, Expert IT Recruiter

Xiomara Santana is an experienced IT Recruiter at Plugg Technologies, specializing in finding top-tier talent for software development roles. With a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of the tech industry, Xio ensures that every candidate not only meets the technical requirements but also aligns with the company’s values and culture. Her goal is to find employees who are committed, proactive, and eager to grow with the company.

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Key Questions to Ask During a Developer Interview

Here are Xio Santana’s top 10 essential questions to ask to a Software Developer in a interview to ensure you identify the best talent for your team and achieve successful hires:

Key Questions to Ask During a Developer Interview

1. Can you describe a successfully completed project?

Understanding a candidate’s ability to see a project through to completion is crucial. This question helps gauge their practical experience, their role within a team, and their project management skills. It also provides insight into their problem-solving abilities and how they handle challenges.

For instance, asking about a project they successfully completed can reveal their proficiency in managing project timelines, coordinating with team members, and overcoming obstacles. This is one of the critical questions to ask to a Software Developer in a interview to assess their practical experience and ability to deliver results.

2. Do you have experience giving presentations?

Assessing a candidate’s communication skills and their ability to articulate technical information to non-technical stakeholders is important. This question helps determine their effectiveness in conveying complex concepts and their experience in presenting to diverse audiences.

For example, asking about their experience giving presentations can reveal their proficiency in tailoring their communication style, engaging with different audiences, and receiving feedback. This is one of the critical questions to ask to a Software Developer in a interview to assess their communication and presentation skills.

3. Tech exercise: Can you try to find an error in the particular code?

Evaluating a candidate’s debugging skills and attention to detail is essential. This practical exercise helps gauge their problem-solving process, their ability to identify and fix issues, and their approach to troubleshooting.

For instance, providing a piece of code with an error and asking them to find and fix it can reveal their proficiency with debugging tools, their methodical thinking, and their problem-solving abilities. This is one of the critical questions to ask to a Software Developer in a interview to assess their technical proficiency and debugging skills.

4. Do you prefer to work alone or in a team?

Understanding a candidate’s work style and how they fit into your team dynamics is crucial. This question helps determine their preference for solitary work or collaborative environments and their ability to adapt to different work settings.

For example, asking whether they prefer working alone or in a team can reveal their interpersonal skills, adaptability, and ability to balance independent tasks with team collaboration. This is one of the critical questions to ask to a Software Developer in a interview to assess their work style and team compatibility.

5. How do you practice and update your skills?

Assessing a candidate’s commitment to continuous learning and staying current with industry trends is important. This question helps gauge their dedication to maintaining and enhancing their technical expertise.

For instance, asking about how they practice and update their skills can reveal their proficiency in using online courses, certifications, workshops, and other resources to stay updated with the latest developments in technology. This is one of the critical questions to ask to a Software Developer in a interview to assess their commitment to continuous learning.

6. What do you find most challenging about coding?

Gaining insight into a candidate’s self-awareness and their ability to tackle difficult aspects of their work is essential. This question helps gauge their problem-solving skills, resilience, and honesty in discussing their limitations.

For example, asking about what they find most challenging about coding can reveal their proficiency in overcoming obstacles, their strategies for improvement, and their willingness to address their weaknesses. This is one of the critical questions to ask to a Software Developer in a interview to assess their problem-solving abilities and growth mindset.

7. Can you describe the steps you take when an application stops working?

Evaluating a candidate’s troubleshooting and problem-solving process is crucial. This question helps gauge their systematic approach to diagnosing and fixing application issues, highlighting their technical proficiency and logical thinking.

For instance, asking about the steps they take when an application stops working can reveal their proficiency in identifying the root cause of the problem, their methodical approach to troubleshooting, and their ability to remain calm under pressure. This is one of the critical questions to ask to a Software Developer in a interview to assess their troubleshooting skills.

8. What do you expect from this job?

Understanding a candidate’s career goals and expectations from the role is important. This question helps determine if their goals align with what your company can offer, ensuring mutual satisfaction and long-term commitment.

For example, asking about what they expect from the job can reveal their aspirations, preferred work environment, and what they value in an employer. This is one of the critical questions to ask to a Software Developer in a interview to assess their career goals and cultural fit.

9. How do you prioritize tasks and manage your time?

Effective time management and task prioritization are key skills for any developer. This question helps determine how the candidate organizes their workload and ensures timely project completion. A strong response should include their methods for setting priorities, balancing multiple tasks, and using tools like task lists or project management software to stay on track. Their approach to time management can impact their productivity and ability to meet deadlines consistently.

10. What motivates you to stay long-term with a company?

Understanding a candidate’s motivations can help predict their long-term commitment and fit within the company. This question sheds light on their career goals and what they value in an employer. Look for responses that align with your company’s values and culture, such as opportunities for growth, a collaborative work environment, and a focus on innovation. Their answer can indicate whether they are likely to be a dedicated and engaged team member.

Building a Strong Team with Plugg Technologies

Asking the right questions during a developer interview is crucial for building a strong and cohesive team. By focusing on both technical skills and cultural fit, you can ensure that new hires will contribute positively to your projects and stay with your company for the long term.

At Plugg Technologies, Xiomara Santana and our team of expert recruiters are dedicated to finding the best talent to meet your needs. Contact us today to learn more about our recruiting services and how we can help you build a winning team.

Picture of Xiomara Santana

Xiomara Santana

IT Recruiter at Plugg Technologies, with over a decade of experience, I enhance our team's capabilities and recruitment efficiency. My IT and technical recruiting background ensures that Plugg meets the evolving needs of our global clients effectively.

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