Salesforce Ticketing Optimization for Pharmaceutical Services

By introducing a specialized nearshore team in Mexico, Plugg cut Salesforce ticket backlogs by 40% for a pharmaceutical services provider. This move enhanced efficiency, reducing resolution times by 30% and maximizing their Salesforce investment.

The Challenge


Issue: A pharmaceutical services provider’s offshore-based Salesforce development team was overwhelmed by a high volume of complex tickets.

Complications: These tickets required extensive customization and deployment across diverse client platforms, with the team struggling due to time zone differences and communication challenges.

Impact: The issues led to prolonged resolution times and project delays, creating significant ticketing backlogs.

Strategic Intervention

Action: To address timezone and efficiency issues, Plugg Technologies introduced a specialized Salesforce nearshore team in Mexico, including a lead experienced in complex Salesforce environments and three mid-level developers.

Approach: The team employed Agile project principles to adeptly manage the delivery and deployment of new functionalities, utilizing Apex code and Lightning Web Components to enhance Salesforce configurations and integrate external APIs.

Significant Results in Ticket Managing

Performance Improvement: There was a substantial reduction in the development ticket backlog, with a 40% drop within the first quarter.

Efficiency Gains: Average ticket resolution time decreased by 30%.

Operational Advantages: The nearshore staffing approach maximized the client’s Salesforce investment through aligned time zones, cultural familiarity, and access to skilled talent.

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